Rigging - maintenance tables

Category Displacement Typical purpose Typical handling
1 Motor Sailor/Heavy Cruiser Ocean going Handled by crew
2 Mid displacement Offshore Handled by crew, owner or shorthanded
3 Light displacement Coastal cruising/Club racing Handled by crew, owner or shorthanded
4 Ultra light displacement Racing Handled by professional crew
Recommended maintenance intervals
For category 1 & 2 yachts For category 3 & 4 yachts
* LEVEL A - comprehensive visual inspection, several times per year
* LEVEL A - comprehensive visual inspection, several times per year
* LEVEL B - jack-down visual and fitting inspection/lubrication, once per year with a maximum of four years between inspection intervals * LEVEL B - jack-down visual and fitting inspection/lubrication, at least once per year with a maximum of two years between inspection intervals
* LEVEL C - comprehensive full-service mast inspection/refurbishment, once every four years with a maximum of ten years between inspection intervals * LEVEL C - comprehensive full-service mast inspection/refurbishment, once every two years with a maximum of four years between inspection intervals
Mast system inspection categories
Visual inspection - Mast in
Visual inspection - Mast in/Jack down
* Comprehensive general mast system visual inspection * Pre-check rig to assess service (Level A inspection)
* Check all fittings/terminations, rod/fiber/wire, spreaders, sheaves, halyards, headstay, backstay, mast base, partners, halyard blocks and chainplates * Un-jack mast
* General visual inspection
* Check for bends/kinks in fittings and rod
* Check/lubricate all accessible fittings
* Check for cracks, corrosion, pitting, rust * Properly re-tune to align and seat all cold heads and hardware, and generate proper tension/tuning
* Service log/update schedule for next service * Service log/update schedule for next service
Full service - Mast out
* Pre-check rig to assess servicing schedule (Level A inspection) * Non-destructive testing (NDT) of rod - we recommend: dye penetrate testing (liquid penetration testing) by authorized professionals, alternative methods are X-ray, ultrasound testing, eddy current testing
* Un-step mast
* Complete dissasembly of mast/fittings
* Visual inspection - Clean/polish, cold heads and fittings to facilitate inspection process - Visual inspection for cracks, corrosion, pitting, rust, general discoloration: remember - rust indicates cracks * Visually inspect and safe working load (SWL) pull test all fiber rigging
* Make repairs as needed: re-head rod, replace any fittings or rigging screws
* Reassemble mast system
* Update service log/update schedule for next service
* Re-step/re-tune mast

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Certified Service Center

We are a part of the network members inside BSI Group as a Certified Service Center

As a service center, we follow BSI’s recommendations and guidelines. We are fully backed by the factory and we only use BSI supplied, or approved, materials when doing the refits for new or previously supplied BSI projects. This ensures complete visibility and history of all materials installed in the rigging package.