
Mooring berthing

Braided mooring line


  • Cover – 16-plait polyester braid.
  • Core – 16-plait nylon braid.


Extremely flexible, good handling, easy to splice.

Prestige mooring line


  • Cover – 16 or 24-plait polyester braid with additional twisting of the strands.
  • Core – 12 or 16-plait nylon braid..


The cover’s composition means that this line is more flexible and easier to handle.

Braided nylon


  • Cover – 8 or 16-plait nylon braid.
  • Core – parallel nylon.


Good flexibility. High resistance. Good abrasion resistance. For mooring, fenders and architecture. Only available in white.

Twisted nylon polymerised


  • 3-strand nylon.


Good abrasion and U.V. resistance. Choosing polymerised nylon is highly recommended (fibre stabilisation, flexibility, ease of splicing). Use for mooring, anchoring, tugging, agriculture and different industrial use. Also available unpolymerised. Available in white (black colour on request).

Twisted polyester polymerised


  • 3-strand polyester.


Good abrasion and U.V. resistance. Polymerisation is recommended (available only in white) for improved strand stabilisation, better flexibility and easier splicing. Also available unpolymerised.

Braided polyester – 8 strands


  • 8-strand, square braid HT polyester.


Good flexibility over time thanks to the polyester’s low retraction. High resistance. Easy to splice. Available in black or white.

Braided nylon – 8 strands


  • 8-strand, square braid HT nylon.


Good shock absorption thanks to its high stretch. High resistance. Easy to splice. Available in black or white.

Breaking load in kg
Rope diameter in mm Braided mooring lines Prestige mooring lines Braided nylon Twisted nylon polymerised Twisted polyester polymerised Braided polyester 8 strands Braided nylon 8 strands
1 30
1,5 45
2 90
2,5 130
3 270
4 300 340 350
5 350 440 390
6 450 680 550
7 650 725
8 1200 900 1000 1020
10 2000 1650 1850 1800
12 2650 2500 2500 2280
14 3500 3300 3300 3060 3650 3900
16 4500 4900 4000 4200 3850 5350 5000
18 5800 5900 4950 5200 4500 6500 6100
20 7200 8500 6080 6400 5250 7900 7900
22 8100 11000 7390 7600 6800 9750 9800
24 9300 12500 9100 8150 11750 11300
26 10790 13750 13100 13500
28 12000 16000 15550 15700
30 13750 18500 17850 17100
32 15100 21000 19850 19600
36 28000
38 31450
40 35000
44 38500

Certified Service Center

We are a part of the network members inside BSI Group as a Certified Service Center

As a service center, we follow BSI’s recommendations and guidelines. We are fully backed by the factory and we only use BSI supplied, or approved, materials when doing the refits for new or previously supplied BSI projects. This ensures complete visibility and history of all materials installed in the rigging package.